Safe Updates
Safe Updates automatically create a restore point for you, compare the website before and after the update, and helps you roll back the update if something goes wrong.
Safe Updates automatically create a restore point for you, compare the website before and after the update, and helps you roll back the update if something goes wrong.
We’ve partnered with the fantastic team behind the WPScan Vulnerability Database to bring you real time information about what plugins are vulnerable so you can act accordingly.
Plugin, theme and WordPress core updates are compiled into a single, intuitive list. Update, ignore, bulk install, deactivate, or install an older version over the current one.
Incremental, reliable, comes with off-site storage, and capable of running on an hourly cycle. Everything you need from a great backup. Backups can be taken once per month all the way down to a 12hr backup window.
Automate tasks with our one click login and bulk updates for your website. Have peace of mind.
Secure your data with reliable backups and protect your website with regular security checks.
Stay on top of things and monitor your websites with Uptime Monitoring, SEO and Google Analytics.
Use collaborate tool for your teams and clients. One click switch between the accounts.
We take our client care to a new level with our monthly reports that provide full breakdown of all tasks completed that month.
Optimize your website performance and speed with our Performance Check.
Contact us and we will get back to you.
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